Visit By The Prince Of Wales In 1929

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Wednesday 30 January 1929


The Prince of wales trudging through the snow at Winlaton yesterday during his tour of mining towns and villages in the stricken Durham coalfield. His visit came as a surprise, but everywhere he received what a miner described as ‘a reet welcome’. He talked with workless men and careworn women of their experiences in the struggle against hunger and he examined with keen interest and sympathy the domestic conditions  in some of the worst quarters. In addition to Winlaton the Prince also visited Blaydon, High Spen, Chopwell, Consett, Gateshead and Chester le Street.

Visiting the house of Mr. Frank McKay, a 74 year old miner whose wife had just died. The Prince showed his sympathy with the family and expressed a wish to go upstairs to the room where Mrs. McKay lay dead.

The Prince about to enter one of the poverty stricken homes during his tour of Winlaton.

How the delighted inhabitants of Winlaton followed the Prince during his tour of the village. ‘He’s a reet fella to bother wi the likes  o’this’ said one enthusiastic miner as he cheered the Prince on his way back to his car.

A Winlaton miner’s wife tells the Prince of her troubles

The Prince walking with ‘Taffy’ Lewis a workless miner who acted as his guide through Winlaton. Lewis told the Prince he had five children to keep on 21s. a week.

The King ( sic) in the distressed areas – walking through the snow at Winlaton