High Mill

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High Mill or Wintrip’s Mill /Dunn’s Dating from 18c and advertised in 1813 as ‘A mill situated in Blaydon Burn for the manufacture of flint for different potteries, together with a flint kiln, a good dwelling house and all suitable conveniences”, This is probably the best picture of any of the mills – showing it as occupied. In 1881 the tenant was Robert Wintrip, the mill grinder, living there with his wife Jane and their 6 children. By 1891 the Wintrips had moved to Bird Hill in Blaydon. The building was still standing in 1896 but by then the mill race had silted up and the wheel no longer worked. William Bourn on his walk down the valley in 1896 said the  ‘ rich & varied scenery formed one of the most delightful spots on the burn’  This became covered by the lower coke works and the coke cutting floor, so by 1914 had William Bourn passed by again no doubt his description would have been quite different.